Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2017


The moral message I can conclude
Flim Alangkah lucunya Negeri ini

     The Importance of Education in Changing Lives, So We Gain Better. And some people think that education is not important because there are some constraints factors such as economic factors, polotics, and social.

       We need to be aware that education is our basic capital to achieve the goals and progress of life, If we have an education we will know what an education is, people who must have much knowledge and talk about the global.

   Who have our education should take advantage of it well, what we can during our education must be for those in need, because not everyone is lucky like us.

      And with our education we will be free from the ignorance and poverty that as we see in Indonesia especially.

Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017



As if this mouth could not say 

When you remember father 

Dad is everything for us 

Father is a figure who should be proud


 Father's Prayer 

Father support 

Father sacrifice


Dad never got in guiding us 

Teaches the child's father.

By: Hardaintiaro Harahap

Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017


Being a rich and wise Muslim 

      One of the factors that cause Islam no longer has fangs in the world arena is the economic factor. And not a minimum of resources, be it human resources and natural resources, but the paradigm of Muslim society that assume this world is just a stopover. Happiness in the world is not an essence. If you want to get a heaven in the afterlife, then the world's misery is no longer meaningful and we as muslim start a business that must be with Islamic Shari'ah and accompanied by strong intention and prayer.


The meaning of Islam 

     Islam according to iughat is submissive or submit ourselves whereas according to Islamic law is submission and obedience, How do we absolute self to ALLAH SWT by submitting and strengthening with a devout attitude to him and mengimani all the teachings of his Apostles.

         Pillars of Islam
  •  Successful tweets
  •  Sholat five times a day a night 
  •  Paying Zakat
  •  Province in the holy month of Ramadhan 
  •  Hajj for the capable person



   6 challenges personality

 1. Understandin personality
           According to Gordon Willard allport keperibadian is a dynamic organization in the individual    and the behavior of one's thinking.

 2. healthy personal characteristics
         In a healthy person usually has a relatively small childhood, and a    healthy person is not        limited from our unique weaknesses and greediness. 

        Characteristic personality
         Extinction of feeling 
         Mature personality has karektar
         Self-acceptance
         Have a realistic perception 
         Insight and humor 
         Integral life philosophy. 

 3. Factors that affect personality person 
        Insight factors, Genetic such as skin color, eye and others. 
        Environmental factors.

 4. Self-knowledge

 5. self-concept Self-concept is how one judges oneself and sees others.

 6. Personal responsibility.
       People who have given us trust and we must be responsible for it

Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017



Materials and tools
1. 1 kg of glutinous rice
2. 1 liter Coconut Coconut (which is thick)
3. Salt taste
4. Sufficient Bamboo / Young Reed
5. To taste banana leaves
6. Knife
7. Pans
8. Firewood.

How to make lemang
  •  Wash glutinous rice until clean. In order for the results are more optimally washed and then soaked for 4 hours. Then wash again a clean and drain.
  •   After washing and draining mix with salt and coconut milk. Then stir well to mix perfectly. And set aside
  • Next take bamboo then clean the outside and inside. Then seal the inside of the bamboo with young banana leaves, let the banana leaves more on the bamboo shoots. How, banana leaves rolled first and then input into the inside of bamboo using a bamboo clamp.
  •   Enter the sticky rice that has been mixed with coconut milk and salt earlier into the bamboo. Do not fill the rice sticky rice is too full into bamboo, just fill 3/4 of its part only then cover with banana leaf more dipucuk ago then close, then cover again the top of bamboo with banana leaves rolled as bambunya cover.
  •   Bakang lemang on hot coals hot enough with the position of bamboo towards the top but rather tilted.
  •   In order to quickly mature, twist the bamboo.
  • After the lemon is cooked, wait a while until it is not too hot. Then lemang removed from bamboo, by splitting the bamboo and then cut into slices and ready to serve.
  • Enjoy and try. !!


  • Letterhead
  • The date of the letter No : (No sort / Company name / Date / Year.
  • Appendix :1 (one) sheet
  • Thing : invite
  • Destination address
           -Mr Leader Pt
           -In order tO
  • Greetings
  • Signature
  • Name
  • Identityaa



Opening the meeting
  • Greetings opener meeting.
  • Thank you for attending the meeting.
  • Number of meeting participants
  • Meating Time 
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Submission
  • Meetings

Meeting opener

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

         Praise the same we say the presence of ALLAH Almighty that has given us the chance to gather and do not forget also arrival greeting us to cast into the lap of the great prophet Muhammad Saw.Thanks to the leader and the attendees of the meeting who have attended.

        The theme of our meeting is to discuss about the decline in sales turnover during the last 7 months.The number of participants this meeting was attended by 40 people and could not attend 3 people because there was a meeting outside the city.

         Meeting will start at 10.00 am -12.00

       Agenda of the meeting this time: reducer turnover today, Obstacles in getting in the field from the marketing.

      This meeting was attended by:

 -Ibu ani as the leader
 -has ana as marketing.

Well to take advantage of the meeting time will be in pinpin mother ani, our mother ani please.

Selasa, 15 Agustus 2017


Benefits of Orange to Keep Weight.

           The sour taste of citrus fruits comes from the content of vitamin C it has, which mengungai fat to burn. If we want to have a slim body, we should try to consume citrus fruits that taste sour. But be careful, in consuming citrus fruits should not be excessive because it can affect the stomach when eating in large quantities. There are several types of citrus fruits that contain vitamin C which amounts more than the citrus fruit in general, and can make our weight was kept awake and make our body can get a slim and healthy body. And if you have a blood pressure problem that is less stable, then multiply consuming a lemon. Because citrus fruits contain flavonoids that can make blood pressure more stable. Of course very useful for you who suffer from high blood pressure. By eating citrus fruit regularly, then you will get a lot of benefits citrus fruit.

Senin, 14 Agustus 2017


Legend Sangkuriang

        In ancient times, There is the story of a king's daughter in West Java called Dayang Sumbi. He has a son named Sangkuriang. One day he hunts and Sangkuriang is very fond of hunting with the company of Tumang, the beloved dog of the palace. Sangkuriang did not know that the dog was a god and her father.

      At the time of hunting Sangkuriang see a deer.Sangkuriang remembered his mother very like deer. finally Sangkuriang telling tumang to chase the deer but deer lose track of the deer and Sangkuriang was angry, Then Sangkuriang kills the tumang and take his heart then given the liver of the stomach to be cooked , Then his mother asked the Sangkuriang where the existence of the langkas Sangkuriang answer the mother's question if he had killed the tumang, and his mother beat and drove him away.

      After that incident, Dayang Sumbi deeply regrets himself. He always prayed and was very diligent ascetic. Once upon a time, the gods gave him a gift. He will be forever young and has eternal beauty. After years of wandering, Sangkuriang finally intends to return to his homeland. Once there, the kingdom has changed completely. There he encountered a beautiful girl, who is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Sangkuriang was fascinated by her beauty then, Sangkuriang proposed to her. Because the young man was very handsome, Dayang Sumbi was very fascinated by him.

        One day Sangkuriang asked to say goodbye to hunt. He asks Dayang Sumbi for the tidying of his headband. What a surprise Dayang Sumbi when he saw the scar on the head of her future husband. The wound was exactly like the wound of his son who had gone abroad. After much attention, it turns out the boy's face is very similar to his son's face. He became very frightened. So then he sought the effort to thwart the process of the proposal. He proposed two conditions. First, he asked the young man to stem the Citarum river. And second, he asked Sangkuriang to make a big boat to cross the river. Both conditions must be met before dawn.
      That night Sangkuriang did tapa. With his magic he mobilized supernatural beings to help complete the work. Dayang Sumbi was secretly peeping at the job. As the work was nearing completion, Dayang Sumbi ordered his troops to roll out red silk fabrics east of the city. When watching the color of red in the east of the city, Sangkuriang thought the day was early morning. He stopped his work. He was very angry because it meant he could not fulfill the requirements of Dayang Sumbi.

       With his strength he breaks down the dam he makes. A great flood swept through the city. He then kicked a large canoe that made Sangkuriang martyrdom died because of falling. The canoe floated and fell into a mountain called "Tangkuban Perahu."



   Lake Toba is a large tekto-volcanic natural lake that occupies the caldera of a supervulkan. This lake has a length of about 100 kilometers, a width of about 30 kilometers, and a depth of up to 505 meters (16666 feet), located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island.

     It is estimated that Lake Toba was formed during an explosion of about 73,000-75,000 years ago and is the most recent eruption of Supervolcano (volcano). Bill Rose and Craig Chesner of Michigan Technological University estimated that the total amount of material at the eruption was about 2,800 km3-about 2,000 km3 of Ignimbrit that flowed over the ground, and about 800 km3 which fell as mainly ash to the west. The pyroclastic flow from the eruption destroys an area of ​​20,000 km2, with ash deposits as thick as 600 m with the main crater.

    This incident caused mass death and extinction in some species of living creatures. According to DNA evidence, this eruption also shrinks the number of humans to about 60% of the total human population of the earth at that time, which is about 60 million people. The eruption also contributed to the occurrence of the ice age, experts are still debating it. After the eruption, formed a caldera which then filled by water and became an island known as Lake Toba. Upward pressure by magma that has not yet come out causes the emergence of Samosir Island.

      Led by Dr. Michael Petraglia, revealed in a press conference in Oxford, USA that a new archeological site has been discovered that is quite spectacular by geologists in the south and india,
How people survived, before and after the Toba volcano (supervolcano) eruption 74,000 years ago, and evidence of life under the ashes of Mount Toba. Yet the source of the eruption is 3,000 miles away, from the distribution of the ashes.

     The spread of volcanic dust is immense, found almost all over the world. Derived from an ancient supervolcano eruption, which is Mount Toba. Allegations lead to Mount Toba, because found evidence of the same form of molecular volcanic ash at 2100 dots. Since the caldera crater is now a lake Toba in Indonesia, up to 3000 miles. And how devastating the volcanic eruption was.

Minggu, 13 Agustus 2017


5 How to Healthy Living Ala Rasulullah
 Applied During His Life.
  1. Sitting While Eating And Drinking
         While eating or drinking, Rasulullah always sit daam live it. When a person is seated, medically the cavity in the digestive system (stomach) is different when a person is in a standing position. The cavities in the digestive system become more open so then when the food or drink is swallowed then the digestive system of our body is ready to accept it. And when the digestion of food is ready to accept then there is no compulsion to the digestive system to work hard. When eating and drinking is done in stand then the valve in the digestive system is not fully open when sehingganya Food and beverages come then the digestive system will work hard to digest and if it tarus lasts long digestive system becomes weak so then cause health problems at someone.
     2. Diligent Fasting
         In living his life, Rasulullah always do Fast Sunnah. In addition to Ramadan fasting many Muslims who do sunnah fasting especially on Monday and Thursday. For Muslims, in addition to getting a reward it was medically even fasting is very important for the physical and psychological health of a person. When fasting the performance of organs will become more relaxed and calm so that emotions more easily controlled and the mind away from stress. And in the health of the body, Fasting will control the amount of food and beverages in the body becomes more regular and not excessively thus the performance of the digestive organs will run well and well.
    3.Eating Using the Right Hand
        Even during the life of the Prophet saw has had natural utensils such as vessels or other, but when eating Rasulullah saw always use his right hand and this became the sunnah of many Muslims. It should be noted that medical research results, right-handed movements during left nerves of the left brain will continue to work and are always active. It works to train and keep the left brain generating constant focus and always active.
   4. Balance of Body Break Time
      The body is strongly recommended to rest enough. It turns out that Rasulullah has applied it during his life. Then how did Rasulullah do it? Every day Rasullah Saw shares time in his activities and still provides a balance for the body to be in rest. Prophet Muhammad SAW always divides time into three parts, where 1/3 of time is used for world affairs, then 1/3 is used for the affairs of the hereafter (worship) and the last 1/3 is used to rest.e of Body Break Time

   5.Eat Before Hungry and Stop Before Cool
      Consuming good food and halal, the Messenger of Allah has set an example for healthy living by eating before hunger and stop before the stomach is full. This means a person is required to eat not excessively.

Jumat, 11 Agustus 2017



Materials and tools :
  • Bamboo
  • Wicker rope
  • Pemis
  • Knife
  • Saw
 How to make Angklung : 
  • Cut bamboo according to size, this is often called going. And some more made frames or poles.
  • Even then made sora (tone) by adjusting the length of the tube san hole yang.yang most important in making Angklung is to form the basic tone of the bamboo tube.Bamboo sound is divided into 2 parts:
               -Voice of bamboo when clashing with other objects.
               - The sound produced when the hole is closed.
  • Make pole, Frame and pole prepared in accordance with type san size. To be able to produce good quality angklung, tube and frame soaked in a special safe liquid, Once ready then tube dab order in the air-aired.
  • When it is dry, sat and tied with rattan, then be a musical instrument called Angklung.


The origin of kolintang.

      In ancient times, In the Minahasa region of north Sulawesi there is a village called to un rang.And the place is known as Tandono. There is a beautiful girl in the village, her beauty is well known to the whole village, she is named Lintang, she likes to sing in a sweet and loud voice.

       There is a young man named Makasagi, who want to apply for latitude, but latitude asks a requirement to Makasagi for Makasagi looking for a good and melodious musical instruments, Then Makasagi receive the request, soon Makasagi rushed immediately to find the instrument requested latitude, and Makasagi Always in and out to find the instrument.

    One night, makasagi despair because he did not get the request of the Lintang, But Makasagi see dry wood then Makasagi split the wood and threw it into the middle of the fire,Arriving the Makasagi hear a sweet sound from the middle of the fire, Makasagi curious with the sound and then he approached the fire, it sounds came from the fire or wood thrown the middle of the center, Blessing and persistence Makasagi he can make musical instruments and on demand Lintang.

      Wait fondly, During the search for the musical instrument Makasagi not eat and not drink during Makasagi in the forest,There were two young men who saw the magasaka lying limp under the tree, the two young men carrying a cross-sectional magazine with a stretcher. But until the village shortly after Magasaki died. Lintang very sad and shortly afterwards Lintang also died. The musical instrument that made the Magasaka for Lintang but  now Lintang also has died. The instrument is known as Kolintang.

Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017



The animal's main parts are Roots, Stems, and leaves. While animals are the head, body, legs.

Plants can not move anywhere if animals can move freely.

Plants can make their own food and plants can also treat water and air inhaled into food with the help of daylight rays whereas if animals can not make their own food because animals need other plants and animals for their food sources...


Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017



    In ancient times, live mother and child (Sampuraga), In the remote village. Next day the Sampuraga ask permission to his mother to wander.But her mother did not allow the Sampuraga because of her old mother's condition, but the village remained with a group of friends who wanted to go to wander or make money, then her mother allowed and provided lunches during the trip.

       Day after month, months are not waiting for the year sisampuraga mother said. Not long after the mother also menysul son, During his mother's journey through many obstacles such as: rushing river, and cave.Mother cuman eat rimbang during the journey, A few hours later the mother saw a crowded village, then the mother asked the people who are in the place.

The mother:
-Do you know my son who is called the Sampuraga?

Party Officer:
The richest daughter in the village is having a wedding with the Sampuraga.

The mother :
-Is that my child?

Party officer: 
-The guard did not believe in the mother, because before the Sampuraga married the richest daughter in the village, the Sampuraga said that her mother had died.
-Then the party keeper came to the house to tell the Sampuraga, That there was an elderly mother who claimed her son was the Sampuraga.

      The mother followed the party guard. Soon after that the Sampuraga came down from the house to see the old mother, while chasing her mother and did not admit that it was her mother, because her mother was poor.

     Sampuraga keeps evicting his mother, then her mother also prayed because hurt to see her child. Then the mother was answered, came the rain storm that swept across the village.


  • Must find clear information and public transport number that we ride.
  • If we start a public transit we have to tell where we want to go where the driver or assistant driver. And after arriving at the destination we have to command to the assistant driver to stop.
  • Preparing money to pay the fare to pay Asistant Driver not hard to return our money.
  • Do not ever wear a piece in the bus, because people will provoke us to evil.
  • Should not lead to excessive money, that way we avoid crime in the bus.
  • Never forget to say thank you to the driver and assistant driver shortly before we go down, Because driver and assistant driver serve us to deliver the purpose.

Minggu, 06 Agustus 2017



  • Enough water
  • 250 grams of rice flour 
  •  2 tablespoons tapioca flour Sesame oil or vegetable oil to taste (Used for dough to be dull and not sticky)
  • Curly red pepper 
  • 5 pieces
  •  1 tablespoon of soy sauce 
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar 3 pieces of cayenne pepper 
  • Garlic 1 clove
  •  2 tablespoons chilli sauce
  •  Sugar 1 tablespoon 
  •  Glutinous flour 1 tablespoon
  •  Bakso / fillet steamed chicken / fish brains (optional, please choose one of these ingredients) 
  • Enough wate
  • Leaves onion 1 piece (finely chopped / finely sliced) 
  • Sesame seeds to taste

  1. Step mix first ingredients rice cake or tteok, add water with little by little and mix well. When the dough is soft, then form the dough into a long straight, cut to taste, then dioles with oil to keep it from sticking. Once ready, boil tteok until well done. Lift, drain.
  2. Next puree all the ingredients spicy sweet sauce. (Can use ulekan or puree with blender for more practical and fast) .
  3. Then heat the oil using a small flame. Saute sweet spicy sauce until the smell of delicious fragrance. Then insert rice cake or tteok and meatball / fillet steamed chicken / brain-brain, stir well until the sauce thickens
  4. Taste the taste, if there are less please add according to taste. Remove, then sprinkle chopped onion and sesame seeds on top. 
  5. Tteokbokki can be in this cobak is home-cooked ..
  6.  Image result for gambar tteokbokki



7 Palm fruit
4 For liter water

Grater coconut
Coconut flim


  • The old coconut shell is then grated with water that has been provided and as desired.

  • Then the stove is turned on then heat the result of the grater / coconut milk.
  • Wait a few hours until coconut milk changes color somewhat black.
  • After cooking the coconut oil, chill for a few minutes, so we can split between oil and hampas.

  • Oil can be used as a medicine and can for other dishes.
  • It can also be eaten if we like it.

Jumat, 04 Agustus 2017


Roaming children and Parents

       A child, a child who is far from a parent, understands the difficulties of effort and sacrifice to achieve goals, targets and success in life in the world and the hereafter. Behind the struggle there are things that must be sacrificed overseas children are Her heart must be separated from parents. 

Excamle :
      I am an overseas child, which overseas child does not miss a parent. Where ever I was always with them and now have to live independently,  and alone parted with them.

Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017


How to cook mashed leaves.
Tools and materials :
  • 1 Pot
  • Spoon
  • Lesung
  • 3 Bunch of sweet potato leaves
  • 1/2 on balance
  • 1/2 Cebe rawit
  • 3 Pieces of red onion
  • 1 Piece of garlic ginger
  • 1 On sago shrimp
  • 1 Coconut shave
  • 1 Tablespoon salt
  • Water
  • 7 Green eggplant seeds
Step by steps
  • Image result for gambar ubi tumbuk khas mandailing
  • Wash all cooking utensils and ingredients to cook, except salt.
  • Then it is impregnated with all the materials that have been distributed.
  • Coconut in the squeeze with enough water, the result of grated coconut is inserted into the pot that has been provided.
  • Turn on the stove, then heat the coconut milk until boiling.
  • And than, Pour the leaves of sweet potatoes and other ingredients into the And than,Coconut milk in the heat, then add the salt to taste.
  • Add sago shrimp to sweet.
  • Image result for gambar ubi tumbuk khas mandailing
  • Vegetables or food ready to eat. 
  • Specialties batak mandailing, Padang sidimpuan

Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017


How to make cold sweet tea 
Tools and Materials :
  • 1 Cup 
  • 1 Piece of spoon 
  • 1 Teabag 
  • Sugar to taste 
  • Lime 
  • 500 ml liters of warm water

    ways of making :
  •  Enter the warm water into the glass that has been provided on the table 
  • Add sugar 
  • Tea input 
  • Then dip the tea, until it can produce reddish color. 
  • Then stir the tea with the available spoon, and until the sugar is dissolved or evenly distributed 
  • Ice cubes and lime juice 
  • After cool and ready to serve and drink ..



  • Chili
  • Red onion
  • Lime salt
  • Water
  • Holat
  • Ikan mas
  • Pangkat

How to make kuah ikan mas khas tapanuli
Clean the fish  , Separate the balakka skin from the trunk. Then shredded balakka skin, before it shriveled, discard the outer skin first.Sliced ​​onions and cayenne pepper.Pangkat Peeled and cut into pieces according to our wishes.
,  then bake until cooking. Cook stove, cook water until boiling, pangkat,chili pepper, salt, onion, salt and holat. Enter the fish in the roast, then stir until evenly. After boiling, the input juice jaruk nipis.Gold sauce ready to eat.

Selasa, 01 Agustus 2017


We live must have goals, if we do not have the purpose of life is just a lie.and life is our opportunity where we can help others without repayment because how Many we help others, then Allah will repay our kindness. So is like water flowing and never stop.And life also teaches us to 
appreciate others.

Steps of receiping phone

  • Picked up the Phone before the thee ring
  • Picked up the phone by the left hand
  • Don't say hello
  • Use good morning/Evening/ and than Identity
  • Asking for her name her aim
  • Distribution of telepones on the go
  • Write the messege of the caller by the right hand


  • Salam
  • Have a sit
  • Offering for help
  • Asking for har name  her aim
  • Discuss the problem
  • Distribute guest